(Cuyahoga Falls, OH – June 11, 2011)
Lost with Gallifrey are one of our flight cameras, our main Altimeter, Camera nose cone, and an engine.
These items will have to be replaced to continue the programs. Project Aurora also uses these items. There may be a delay of a couple of months while these items are replaced.
The next rocket in the Perseus program will be X4-06 Vega, and it will completed for its maiden voyage sometime around September 2011. There is a possibility that this will be when the Perseus project will resume with launches in general.
Another Perseus rocket has been planned to replace Gallifrey, with a planned maiden voyage in the winter of 2012. X4-07 will be named “Phoenix”, and will have the same color scheme as Gallifrey.
In the meantime, assuming the missing items are replaced before Vega is ready, X4-01 Eagle and X4-02 Columbia will pick up where Gallifrey left off until Vega is ready to fly. An early replacement will also mean a return to flight status for the Aurora rockets as well.
In the mean time, the Artemis rockets will be used as much as possible to carry on experiments formerly destined for Perseus and Aurora projects.
An observation I made before the loss of Gallifrey is that the best rocket for Harmon field flights is the X2 Artemis Rocket. Future missions @ Harmon will be carried out using Project Artemis rockets.
More info as I juggle flight schedules & experiments around…
((( )))