Of all the rockets we’ve built and flown, only one had a name. That is the lost Artemis Booster #1, “Big Red”.

Artemis Booster #1, "Big Red".
For a while now, I’ve wanted to name the other rockets…it was just a matter of WHAT to call them.
Starting with the Perseus booster project, Perseus booster # PB01 was given the name “Eagle”, named for the lunar module used in the Apollo 11 mission that took Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldren to the moon.

Perseus Booster #PB01 "Eagle".
Perseus booster # PB02 (under construction) has already been named “Columbia” — for both the command module used in the Apollo 11 mission, and in memory of the space shuttle Columbia.

Perseus Booster # PB02 "Columbia" under construction. Not much to see YET!
Artemis rocket names
Artemis booster #03 has been named “Garfield”, after the comic strip character. It is one of my favorite comic strips. The color scheme used on the booster (orange and black), reminds me of the comic strip cat.

Artemis booster "Garfield" lifting off.
Artemis Booster #02 has been officially named “Bumble Bee” — it’s yellow and black color scheme has led me to “unofficially” call it that since it was first painted.

Artemis Booster #2 - "Bumble Bee" starting mission ALS017B.
Artemis Booster #04 has not been named yet, but it will be by the time it makes its August 14th launch date.

Artemis Booster #4 - has no name yet..
Keep an eye out on the rocketry blogs, and I will indicate when Booster #4 gets a name!
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